Thursday, 6 December 2007

WYM Europop Advent Calendar: 6/12

I can't sleep and because a-it's just gone midnight,so it is the 6th of December and b-I'll probably be too busy to post tomorrow,I thought I'd do today's Europop advent calendar thingy now.
It's a song that I heard about a month ago,but I must say,I'd forgotten about it until Keira reminded me,it's what appears to be the finalists of Slovenia's Bitka Talentov (which I have mentioned on here before,because Anžej Dežan was in it),singing a song called 12 Mesecev,which (here comes the geeky linguist) looks like the Russian for 12 Months...I could be wrong,but anyway,here it is :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some reason just fancied listening to this again. couldnt find it on youtube, so glad you put it here. I really like this song. Something very feel-good cheery about it.