Sunday, 14 December 2008

Top 50- 47: Stick to the beat

US5- Round and Round

US5 should sue Sergey Lazarev.He's so nicked loads of ideas for the Lazerboy video from this one.If only he'd nicked the rapping in a bad Cockney accent part too,that would have been amazing...Anyway.I like this song.Everyone likes a good old fashioned boyband,and what with Chelsi going all emo on our asses this year with the awful Mladshaya Sestryonka,a gap needs filling.So to speak.Round and Round is good old happy,cheesy boy-pop that I haven't really seen since Jetzt Anders(!).Jay is fit as in this video,despite his Dick van Dyke rap-lite...thing and his wearing a top that looks like it has "Bitch Boy" written on it.There's also a good deal of vocoder action going on,which is always a plus.

1 comment:

Poster Girl said...

The rapping with ridiculous accent is STILL hilarious. Genuinely a good song, though!