Friday, 19 December 2008

Top 50- 27: I'll drop my guns and bring a bouquet

BWO- Lay Your Love On Me

If only there was room for such fabulousness on Deutsche Bahn trains.My trips to Flensburg would be far more enjoyable.Sod the Hung Up thing,this song is infinitely better than anything that old witch could create (bar her 80s stuff of course,that was rather fab).Also brings back very happy memories of dancing at the Scala at the Eurovision party in April.Best night of the year,definitely :)

1 comment:

Laura (EuropeCrazy) said...


Way, way, waaaaay better than Hung Up - never been a Madonna fan anyway although I like "4 Minutes" - more to do with the Timbaland/Timbalake input there I suppose :)

Thanks for including this in your chart - totally fabulous!