Thursday, 3 January 2008

Love is like popcorn

This year's series of Fabrika was won by Mark Tishman,someone who I know nothing about,but feel that I should find out about,because he's going to be at the Russian Winter Festival next Sunday (ooh,next Sunday...getting very excited now).Of course I'd much rather see the winner of last year's series,but I think Mark will do.He reminds me so much of Prohor Shalyapin,who I have written about before,in terms of his voice and the type of songs I've heard him sing so far anyway,I don't know if he was as camp and fabulous as Prohor in the house.Anyway,this is a nice little tune called Lyubov kak Popkorn,which I'm sure means Love is like Popcorn.I haven't listened to the lyrics enough to know if they're as philosophical as the title,but I think it's quite a nice song.Apart from the backing vocals in the performance,which are shocking to say the least.Victor Drobysh- if you're looking for backing singers for your Fabrika winners,you could do a lot worse than give me and Keira a call :)

This is another of his songs,which he wrote himself.It's called Ya Stany Tvoim Angelom (I'll Be Your Angel (?) ),it has Prohor Shalyapin written all over it,and it's a very nice bit of what I like to call ethno-pop :) He'll blatantly be singing this next Sunday.

Edit: OK,so he didn't actually win Fabrika Zvezd,one of my sources was a bit unreliable.But he was second :)


kevin (ru) said...

Mark is not a winner, he came second after Anastasia Prihod'ko.

Raquelita said...

Oh ok,I wasn't sure actually,I did read somewhere that Anastasia won,but then somewhere else it said that Mark did...they were both good anyway :)