Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Sometimes when I'm hungry,I long for the Mediterranean sea...

If you haven't listened to Joran and Axlina's Eirodziesma attempt 'More than 27' yet,I think you should.It's bonkers.I don't think I've ever heard anything like it,although I'm not sure if that's a positive thing or not.There's a nice sentiment behind it,the whole "let's speak European" thing,but it's so strange...You can hear all the songs from the first Eirodziesma final here. Have to say,I haven't really heard anything I like yet,but I still have a few more to go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rachel,
I'm happy you write about MT27 and make some thoughts about it.
I'm the author of the song and I don't know what to think about it either ;)
I made this song in 1 hour time for an AEGEE-event. People liked it and I decided to apply for Eurovision for LV.
The tune actually was created for "sing-along-reasons with content" ;). I wouldn't say that the lyrics are perfectly worked out till the end (as you quoted: "hungry" as a pun playing with the word "hungary" and joking about the own idea, to create a song with many european country-names), but this is not even the demand of the song.
Its destination is more to give people joy and fun to deal with variousity and not to stay mentally inside their own "4 walls". Especially in LV there are many people which are afraid of Europe, afraid getting occupied again by smth new and bigger...
But we could talk for hours about those topics, I'm sure :)

So, I'm happy that you've never heard smth like this before - doesnt matter whether u'll finally decide to like it or not - it shows it might be something special, smth new...

It's again about variousity. ;)

Have a lot of fun to listen the other songs and enjoy Eurovision.

Vsevo choroshevo un visu labu