Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Who's gonna be there forever if it ain't gonna be him?

It's been far too long since I left the country- a whole year in fact.This time last year I was in Oslo for the second time.I miss it and still want to emigrate there right now :) Still on the plus side (?),I'm off to Kiel in 5 weeks time to check the city (and hopefully my new flat) out before I move there in September.But as I don't know any bands or singers from Kiel,here's Kurt Nilsen with what I think is a new single...It's called Rise to the Occasion and it's from his latest (country) album that he did with Willie Nelson (a bit of a legend here at Europop Mansions Surrey Branch).It's a great song,the lyrics are lovely- as Kurt's usually are.


Keira said...

Doesnt Paris, France count as leaving the country? I guess, its not as foreign as Ashford, but still...

Raquelita said...

How silly of me,I was only thinking about Paris this evening,think I was talking to my mum about it earlier as well.By leaving the country,I did have Norway in mind in particular :)

Anonymous said...

You're moving to Kiel, Germany? Hope you'll be there for the Kieler Woche (you might just miss it though) - great opportunity to check out local music too. I like Illegal 2001, they do fun music and are from the area.
And yeah, I love Kurt...

Raquelita said...

I'm having so much trouble finding somewhere to live in Kiel,I just hope I can find somewhere before I actually leave England! I'm coming over for a weekend at the beginning of July as well,so yes,I'll miss Kieler Woche :( Maybe next year :)