Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Everything has a beginning,everything comes to an end...

...as Charlotte Perelli once said.Well tonight it's the end of Sounds of Europe.Sad,I know.But it'll be a good show- we won't be talking half as much as usual,just playing all our favourite songs from the past 3 months that we've been on air.Also,we'll be trying to find out Guildford's opinions on our 5 favourite ESC songs this year.We won't be bribing them to say Iceland.Honest.Listen to us from 9 on the GU2 website.


Diana said...

Cheque in post thanks :P

Raquelita said...

Yeah,you'll be lucky.We played Kruta Ti Popal (Bloogski bloogski bloog),that's payment enough :)

Laura (EuropeCrazy) said...

Just finished listening to the last show, loved hearing all your "greatest hits". Been a terrific series and hope you both enjoyed presenting it as much as I enjoyed listening :)))