Tuesday, 11 November 2008

WYM Official Top 10: Week 6

10: Marie Picasso- Out of My Hands
9: Charlotte Perrelli- Hero
8: Euroband- This Is My Life
7: Teitur- Tokspor
6: Charlotte Perrelli- Black and Blue (one of the most gorgeous ballads ever.Fact)
5: Vlad Topalov- Perfect Criminal (more about this little "Ohrwurm" later)
4: Philipp Poisel- Unanständig
3: Dima Koldun- Poezd na Yug (still loving the intro :) )
2: Philipp Poisel- Wer Braucht Schon Worte

I've been listening to CP's album quite a lot this week,as you can probably see.I never got round to reviewing it...No surprise there.Anyway,Black and Blue is by far my favourite song from it,but I'm loving this one a lot at the minute- love the lyrics,the melody...it's grown up pop I think :)

1: Charlotte Perrelli- Addicted


Myfizzypop said...

Ooo i am proper behind in commenting. Je t'adore the Charlotte ballad. Is it true she has a christmas cd coming out?!

Anonymous said...

i adore koldun and charlotte there.

Schlager Queen said...

charlotte can do no wrong!

Anonymous said...

I offer a dissenting opinion on your Number 1 choice... It's kind of lazy. I think CP is above the endless flips in her voice and much-copied Britney growl. Watching her perform BULLET live all over Swedish TV all summer shows how powerful a singer she can be, this whole album sounds like it was phoned in.

Raquelita said...

Well ESCToday said Charlotte was doing a Christmas CD,so I guess it must be true :)

Actually I've read a lot of negative reviews of the Hero album (more bad than good actually)- personally I think it's a great album,but then again the only other songs I've heard of CPs are Million Miles Away (which I really don't like) and Take Me to Your Heaven,so I guess I don't really know what her normal style is like and whether this is good or bad in comparison.

That was one really long sentence.I've been in Germany too long.

Anonymous said...

After a few more months in Germany, you'll be puttingallyourwords togetherlikethis.