Sunday, 23 November 2008

Arrivederci,amore ciao

It's come to one of those times again where I'm completely off of music.I find Scandinavian pop highly overrated these days,Russian stuff bores me,and I've listened to all my German stuff to death in the last few weeks.Just downloaded a whole load of Sigur Rós soundtrack songs too,but even they're not doing it for me.(Oh,by the way,they came from FTP sites that Sigur Rós actually link to on their official site.How cool?).I've had loads of ideas for things to write about,but just haven't really had the time or imagination to bother.So I think it's time for a bit of a hiatus.In the meantime though,here's one song I do still really like...

She's so cool.I want to be as cool as her :)

Well,bye bye for now then I suppose.If you miss me that much and want to read about what a thrilling time I'm having here in northern Germany with my seemingly Mute Housemate,you can always have a looky at my other blog.I haven't lost my ability to moan about everything,it's OK :)


Anonymous said...

Bye bye for now?!?! WTF? There's plenty to get excited about, like:
-Laura Pausini's new album
-the glut of live videos with Tiziano Ferro's new album tracks
-More Sergey (more, more, more)
-The guaranteed nightmare of Christmas singles coming up
-Take That's new album, I'm sure there's some room for that here
- Scooter, in desperation


Raquelita said...

Scooter? Hiatus over!

I won't be away very long- there are a few things I want to write about and have intended to do so for a long time (Tiziano's album being one of them),but what with my signing up for various silly events at work and things,I haven't even got the time or brain capacity to do that at the minute :(

Laura (EuropeCrazy) said...

As a fellow multiple-blogger I totally sympathise - sometimes there's just not enough hours in the day to even listen to music and then blog about it.

So have some time out (you need it) but don't stay away too long because you've got one of the best blogs around (Parlez-Vous Europop being another one of them of course :)