A new Chelsi video!I think I read somewhere that they were giving up on making a video to Ya Ne Umru Bez Tvoi Lyubvi (maybe because that song's going to be on Dima K's album next month and that would be a bit weird?),so they made one for Ne Hvataet Eyo Glaz instead.Aleksei looks like he's really getting into the whole acting thing,Roman's back to his happy self (and so he should be,I think it was him that wrote this song),and although Arseniy's hair is still far too long,he looks HOT.It's not the greatest pop video in the world,but I love it!
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Sergey- what the hell are you doing in my bed?
If you're bored and fancy watching something completely surreal,I suggest you go on youtube and search for Russian Posse in the channel section.It's really nice to see some people have even more bizarre imaginations than myself :) Also, I've finally updated my other blog Parlez-vous Europop? It's only been 2 months :)
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Who's gonna be there forever if it ain't gonna be him?
It's been far too long since I left the country- a whole year in fact.This time last year I was in Oslo for the second time.I miss it and still want to emigrate there right now :) Still on the plus side (?),I'm off to Kiel in 5 weeks time to check the city (and hopefully my new flat) out before I move there in September.But as I don't know any bands or singers from Kiel,here's Kurt Nilsen with what I think is a new single...It's called Rise to the Occasion and it's from his latest (country) album that he did with Willie Nelson (a bit of a legend here at Europop Mansions Surrey Branch).It's a great song,the lyrics are lovely- as Kurt's usually are.
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
(Old) news from Belarus

As I wrote a few weeks ago,Dima Koldun is due to release his first album on June 11th.I've found out some more about it,although as is often the case with my Russian news,I'm not sure how accurate the sources are.
Anyway,apparantly the album will be called Ya Ne Volshyebnik (I'm not a magician?) Would make sense I suppose.And the tracklist is as follows...
1- Ya Dlya Tebya
2- Nikagda
3- Reality of Dreams
4- Tsaryevna
5- Devushka Moei Mechti
6- Ya Ne Umru Bez Tvoi Ljubvi
7- Angel Mechti
8- Ya Budu Zhdat
9- Vals Boston (I believe this is the one)
10- Zhizn' v Ritme Tantsa (I assume it's a longer version of this one)
11- Vechniy Agon
12- Ty Uletish
13- Day Mne Silu (Zoloto Remix)
14- Work Your Magic (Deep Zone Remix) Yay!
Well that looks like a bloody good album even if I say so myself.Surprised there's no Na Volne though,that would have fit in very well.There's a good mixture of stuff on there though- super upbeat stuff like Ya Dlya Tebya and V Ritme Tansa,along with a bit of folky stuff,huge ballads and kick-arse remixes.Can't wait!
Monday, 26 May 2008
WYM Eurovision final review
So...now my computer's back and fixed (£94 later,I nearly cried) and I have lots of time to do whatever I want,I can finally write about last weeks goings on in Belgrade.
I was pleasantly surprised by the final actually.After watching Thursday's semi especially,there seemed to be a lot of mediocre songs going through.Maybe I was just bitter about Ruslan and Paolo not getting through.Well,I was.I can't believe Ruslan came 3rd from last in the semi,with only 27 points- I just don't get what he did wrong.I wasn't quite so surprised about Paolo actually,it wasn't his greatest performance- for whatever reason,his vocals weren't quite up to scratch.Other surprises (for me anyway) from Thursday's semi were of course Sweden being saved by the jury,and Albania and Denmark getting through- 2 of the most boring songs in history.Tuesday went pretty much to plan- I would have really liked to see Montenegro and San Marino go through,but I think even they probably knew that was never going to happen.
Saturday then...It was only when Euroband came on that I finally realised who I was supporting.My dad had put some never-disclosed amount of money on the Ukraine for me,and I do really like Shady Lady still,but it had to be Iceland for me.Euroband have always struck me as just having fun and not taking it all too seriously,and This Is My Life is such an anthem- this year's Tornerò perhaps.So it was a bit disappointing when they finished 14th.It was quite sad to see Andy finish last as well- I think Even If is the best song we've sent for years,and he performed it really well,so he deserved more than 14 points.Same for Poland really- For Life is the best Polish song I've ever heard,and Isis Gee has an amazing voice.I thought she would have done better.Of course,Germany finished joint last too,but come on- Disappear was hardly Work Your Magic quality was it?
It was really good to see Maria do so well for Norway- a good,simple performance that was about nothing but the song.Like everyone else,I thought out of all the Scandinavian countries,Charlotte would have finished highest,but maybe Europe's just getting a bit bored of the same old schlager every year...Just an idea.I was also really happy that Azerbaijan finished in the top 10.Yes it was a very over the top performance etc etc,but it worked so well.Apparantly there's been a bit of Eurovision fever in Azerbaijan- I hope they'll send good stuff every year and not go down the boring ethnic route that they could so easily do.Speaking of the boring ethnic route,my Eurovision taste seems to be changing a bit.Any other year and I would have absolutely hated Serbia and Israel's entries,but they were actually 2 of my favourites this year.Oro was lovely,dramatic but wonderful- Željko did a good job there.
To my (almost) horror,I really liked Turkey as well.Me,liking rock?In Eurovision? *Shudder*. Actually,I never normally like Turkey's songs full stop but it was really refreshing to see something different from them.I've heard some of Mor Ve Ötesi's other stuff too,and they're pretty good.
Anyway,I feel bad now for slagging Dima off over the past few months.Right up until he came on,I was still very anti-Believe,but in the end,even the naff Michael Jackson style note in the middle and the awfully cheesy "and we believe in you" at the end couldn't put me off.The performance was really good,although like the rest of Europe,I still couldn't see the point of Evgeniy.Still,looking forward to Moscow/St Petersburg/Vladivostock/wherever 2009.
Oh,and by the way,here's the Russian version of Believe (Vsyo v tvoih rukah- It's all in your hands).
I was pleasantly surprised by the final actually.After watching Thursday's semi especially,there seemed to be a lot of mediocre songs going through.Maybe I was just bitter about Ruslan and Paolo not getting through.Well,I was.I can't believe Ruslan came 3rd from last in the semi,with only 27 points- I just don't get what he did wrong.I wasn't quite so surprised about Paolo actually,it wasn't his greatest performance- for whatever reason,his vocals weren't quite up to scratch.Other surprises (for me anyway) from Thursday's semi were of course Sweden being saved by the jury,and Albania and Denmark getting through- 2 of the most boring songs in history.Tuesday went pretty much to plan- I would have really liked to see Montenegro and San Marino go through,but I think even they probably knew that was never going to happen.
Saturday then...It was only when Euroband came on that I finally realised who I was supporting.My dad had put some never-disclosed amount of money on the Ukraine for me,and I do really like Shady Lady still,but it had to be Iceland for me.Euroband have always struck me as just having fun and not taking it all too seriously,and This Is My Life is such an anthem- this year's Tornerò perhaps.So it was a bit disappointing when they finished 14th.It was quite sad to see Andy finish last as well- I think Even If is the best song we've sent for years,and he performed it really well,so he deserved more than 14 points.Same for Poland really- For Life is the best Polish song I've ever heard,and Isis Gee has an amazing voice.I thought she would have done better.Of course,Germany finished joint last too,but come on- Disappear was hardly Work Your Magic quality was it?
It was really good to see Maria do so well for Norway- a good,simple performance that was about nothing but the song.Like everyone else,I thought out of all the Scandinavian countries,Charlotte would have finished highest,but maybe Europe's just getting a bit bored of the same old schlager every year...Just an idea.I was also really happy that Azerbaijan finished in the top 10.Yes it was a very over the top performance etc etc,but it worked so well.Apparantly there's been a bit of Eurovision fever in Azerbaijan- I hope they'll send good stuff every year and not go down the boring ethnic route that they could so easily do.Speaking of the boring ethnic route,my Eurovision taste seems to be changing a bit.Any other year and I would have absolutely hated Serbia and Israel's entries,but they were actually 2 of my favourites this year.Oro was lovely,dramatic but wonderful- Željko did a good job there.
To my (almost) horror,I really liked Turkey as well.Me,liking rock?In Eurovision? *Shudder*. Actually,I never normally like Turkey's songs full stop but it was really refreshing to see something different from them.I've heard some of Mor Ve Ötesi's other stuff too,and they're pretty good.
Anyway,I feel bad now for slagging Dima off over the past few months.Right up until he came on,I was still very anti-Believe,but in the end,even the naff Michael Jackson style note in the middle and the awfully cheesy "and we believe in you" at the end couldn't put me off.The performance was really good,although like the rest of Europe,I still couldn't see the point of Evgeniy.Still,looking forward to Moscow/St Petersburg/Vladivostock/wherever 2009.
Oh,and by the way,here's the Russian version of Believe (Vsyo v tvoih rukah- It's all in your hands).
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Well we never saw that coming did we...
Predictable result this evening then.I was very happy that Dima won in the end actually- especially after the scary bit at the beginning of the voting where it looked like it was between Greece and Turkey :/ Anyway,more about Eurovision tomorrow probably.I've been neglecting the blog a bit lately,mostly because my sodding computer broke last week and I've only just got it back...Normal service shall resume soon though I hope :)
Anyway,congratulations Dima.Looking forward to Moscow 2009 :)
Anyway,congratulations Dima.Looking forward to Moscow 2009 :)
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Not long now...
Ooh it's all very exciting now isn't it?I'm definitely hoping for Montenegro to qualify...Actually,now I'm not sure what else.Maybe I don't care as long as Belgium don't get through.If I hear that chorus once more,I might have to commit some sort of crime.
Sunday, 18 May 2008
You promised forever but it wasn't true
Sometimes life is really shit.Especially when you can see the shit events coming and know you can't stop them.Luckily,there's great songs like Black and Blue by Charlotte Perrelli to cheer you up.I've been meaning to review her album for a while now,maybe next week.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
WYM Eurovision Review Part 4
Spain: (20/1) From D'Nash to this...Why Spain,why?! I'm sitting in a room with lots of Spaniards at the minute,maybe I should ask them. Actually,the more I listen to this,the more it gets stuck in my head.Dangerous.
Lyrics- "José Luis dances it, he dances it very smoothly" Good to know.
Turkey: (20/1) Well it certainly makes a change from the Sertab clones they send every year.(Yeah I know Kenan was a man,but still,it was the same sort of average song).I don't mind Deli actually,I never thought I'd say that.I think rock sounds quite cool in Turkish.However,why William Hill have put it at 20/1,I have no idea,I didn't think anyone really liked it.
Lyrics- "Don't make me cry,don't waste my time with fake dreams."
Greece: (16/1) I don't get why this is such a favourite either,it's really nothing special.Then again,I thought that about My Number One as well,and it became one of my favourite ESC songs after it won.Still,I don't see that happening with Secret Combination,whether it wins or not.I think I'd rather see Dima win than this.
Lyrics- "My secret combination – it's a mystery for you,use your imagination, I'm not easy, but I'm true" Whatever that means
Ireland: (16/1) See,Silvia Night didn't go down very well in Athens at all,so I doubt Dustin will either.There's still too many people who take Eurovision seriously for him to do well.Saying that,he'll probably win.I've been watching ESC for 14 years and have never managed to choose the winner...Anyway,you've got to love the lyrics to this song...
Lyrics- "Drag acts and bad acts and Terry Wogan's wig" Love it!
Sweden: (9/1) Getting into the real favourites now.After their brief dalliance with something 'a bit different' last year,Sweden have gone back to what they do best- fabulous schlager.I wasn't too fussed about Hero to start with,probably because I wanted Brandur or BWO to win Melodifestivalen.Now though,I can't get enough of it.I love the lyrics,the key change...and of course Charlotte's fabulous outfits in the video.Any other year,and I'd probably say that this was a definite winner.It'll definitely be top 5,but I have other ideas about first place...
Lyrics- "Everything has a beginning,everything comes to an end." I love that line
Ukraine: (6/1) Ani's great,I love her,she's the ultimate in fabulous.Again,I didn't really like Shady Lady to start with,but just like last year,it seems the Kirkorov/Kavaleryan team have written another super song.Unlike Work Your Magic though,I think this will win.Ani has a hell of a voice,and combined with what we've seen of the performance so far,she's someone to be reckoned with.Oh,and her dancers are lovely too :)
Lyrics- "Since I've lived in your shade every step that I made brought me nothing but zero."
Armenia: (5/1) I like Sirusho,she seems quite sweet.Not too sure about her song though.Qele Qele seems to have been one of the favourites for ages now,but haven't we seen it all before really?It's OK,but not really winning material I don't think.
Lyrics- "You wanna be with me,you think and dream of me,come let's go,move let's go."
Serbia: (5/1) I've heard this twice (one of those times being right now),and I like it more than I did the first time.I love the dramatic music in the chorus,and the lyrics are nice,but still...can we move on from Molitva a bit now please?Saying that,I'm looking forward to seeing the final performance,I bet it'll be really good.
Lyrics- "Don't break my ice,there's no water within,don't put salt on my wound,I have no more tears."
Russia: (3/1) I don't care if he's D-D-Dima Bilan,that's no excuse for producing such a ridiculous stage show.I've got used to the violins now,in yesterday's rehearsal (which is the video in the link),it sounded really good,and there's no doubt whatsoever that Dima's vocal will be amazing on the night; Believe is a great song,but it's just all gone so over the top now that I'll be really disappointed if he wins.That seemed to be a certainty until quite recently,but now,I'm not so sure.
Lyrics- "Coz I've got something to believe in,as long as I'm breathing..."
My ideal top 5: Iceland,Switzerland,Belarus,Ukraine and Sweden (in any order really)
My predicted top 5: Ukraine,Russia,Greece,Iceland,Malta (not sure in what order,but I think Ani will win it)
Lyrics- "José Luis dances it, he dances it very smoothly" Good to know.
Turkey: (20/1) Well it certainly makes a change from the Sertab clones they send every year.(Yeah I know Kenan was a man,but still,it was the same sort of average song).I don't mind Deli actually,I never thought I'd say that.I think rock sounds quite cool in Turkish.However,why William Hill have put it at 20/1,I have no idea,I didn't think anyone really liked it.
Lyrics- "Don't make me cry,don't waste my time with fake dreams."
Greece: (16/1) I don't get why this is such a favourite either,it's really nothing special.Then again,I thought that about My Number One as well,and it became one of my favourite ESC songs after it won.Still,I don't see that happening with Secret Combination,whether it wins or not.I think I'd rather see Dima win than this.
Lyrics- "My secret combination – it's a mystery for you,use your imagination, I'm not easy, but I'm true" Whatever that means
Ireland: (16/1) See,Silvia Night didn't go down very well in Athens at all,so I doubt Dustin will either.There's still too many people who take Eurovision seriously for him to do well.Saying that,he'll probably win.I've been watching ESC for 14 years and have never managed to choose the winner...Anyway,you've got to love the lyrics to this song...
Lyrics- "Drag acts and bad acts and Terry Wogan's wig" Love it!
Sweden: (9/1) Getting into the real favourites now.After their brief dalliance with something 'a bit different' last year,Sweden have gone back to what they do best- fabulous schlager.I wasn't too fussed about Hero to start with,probably because I wanted Brandur or BWO to win Melodifestivalen.Now though,I can't get enough of it.I love the lyrics,the key change...and of course Charlotte's fabulous outfits in the video.Any other year,and I'd probably say that this was a definite winner.It'll definitely be top 5,but I have other ideas about first place...
Lyrics- "Everything has a beginning,everything comes to an end." I love that line
Ukraine: (6/1) Ani's great,I love her,she's the ultimate in fabulous.Again,I didn't really like Shady Lady to start with,but just like last year,it seems the Kirkorov/Kavaleryan team have written another super song.Unlike Work Your Magic though,I think this will win.Ani has a hell of a voice,and combined with what we've seen of the performance so far,she's someone to be reckoned with.Oh,and her dancers are lovely too :)
Lyrics- "Since I've lived in your shade every step that I made brought me nothing but zero."
Armenia: (5/1) I like Sirusho,she seems quite sweet.Not too sure about her song though.Qele Qele seems to have been one of the favourites for ages now,but haven't we seen it all before really?It's OK,but not really winning material I don't think.
Lyrics- "You wanna be with me,you think and dream of me,come let's go,move let's go."
Serbia: (5/1) I've heard this twice (one of those times being right now),and I like it more than I did the first time.I love the dramatic music in the chorus,and the lyrics are nice,but still...can we move on from Molitva a bit now please?Saying that,I'm looking forward to seeing the final performance,I bet it'll be really good.
Lyrics- "Don't break my ice,there's no water within,don't put salt on my wound,I have no more tears."
Russia: (3/1) I don't care if he's D-D-Dima Bilan,that's no excuse for producing such a ridiculous stage show.I've got used to the violins now,in yesterday's rehearsal (which is the video in the link),it sounded really good,and there's no doubt whatsoever that Dima's vocal will be amazing on the night; Believe is a great song,but it's just all gone so over the top now that I'll be really disappointed if he wins.That seemed to be a certainty until quite recently,but now,I'm not so sure.
Lyrics- "Coz I've got something to believe in,as long as I'm breathing..."
My ideal top 5: Iceland,Switzerland,Belarus,Ukraine and Sweden (in any order really)
My predicted top 5: Ukraine,Russia,Greece,Iceland,Malta (not sure in what order,but I think Ani will win it)
Everything has a beginning,everything comes to an end...
...as Charlotte Perelli once said.Well tonight it's the end of Sounds of Europe.Sad,I know.But it'll be a good show- we won't be talking half as much as usual,just playing all our favourite songs from the past 3 months that we've been on air.Also,we'll be trying to find out Guildford's opinions on our 5 favourite ESC songs this year.We won't be bribing them to say Iceland.Honest.Listen to us from 9 on the GU2 website.
Monday, 12 May 2008
Oh my God....
I would comment on Dima's first rehearsal in Belgrade but I don't think I can find the right words.Oh wait,I have- Ridiculous.Cheesy.Oh,and embarassing.As expected you can't help but completely ignore Dima for most of it.What's with the ladder anyway?Why does he magically slide back up it at the end?The ice rink is- also as expected- completely pointless,all three of them are so bunched together it looks so claustrophobic and silly.I know it's only the first rehearsal,but still,I don't really see it improving that much to be honest.And the irony is- the song sounded absolutely fine.
WYM Eurovision Review Part 3
France: (50/1) My French translation exam was a BBC article about Divine- which was quite cool on one hand,but then again,I did have it in my head all the way through the exam...Is it old fashioned or is it incredibly modern and funky?I don't really know.But it is good- completely different to your normal French entry,although I was always a fan of the big ballads.I'm quite intrigued about what the performance will be like.It's such a funky,laid-back song,I have no idea what it will look like on stage.Maybe I've been looking in the wrong places,but I haven't really heard anything negative about this song,so hopefully it'll do quite well.
Lyrics- "They try to find the Milky Way,they love to drink it every day." OK...
Iceland (50/1) How is this 50/1? It's without a doubt the best song in the contest,and after seeing Euroband at the Scala,it's quite obvious the performance will be great too.However,as much as I want it to win,I don't think it will.If it doesn't even qualify from the semis though,I will not be happy!
Lyrics- "There's no denying all the heartaches were a blessing in diguise."
Portugal: (50/1) Mmm.It's alright.Nothing too special.Although I like Vania's earrings.
Lyrics- "Black waters,waves of sorrow,they froze the fire in my eyes."
Israel: (40/1) I didn't know this was written by Dana International.That's pretty cool.I don't really know what to think about this one,I like the music,it's quite atmospheric,but I don't like the vocals so much.Can we not just have Teapacks again?
Lyrics- "Come along come along,see the fire in your eyes,then you'll come with me."
Norway (33/1) This has really grown on me,probably again because I've seen Maria perform it live now.Still would have loved to have seen Zuma in Belgrade- Always Always is clearly a better song than Hold On Be Strong.But still,it's nice- a nice sentiment even though the lyrics might be a bit bland and repetitive.I think Maria will qualify.
Lyrics- "There's always someone out there who'll be there for you,there's always someone out there who will care for you."
Switzerland: (33/1) If this doesn't qualify,I'll be very sad.It seems to have lost a bit of popularity over the last few months,but it's still a great song.The whole plagiarism thing pissed me off slightly- yes,it quite clearly uses the same melody as Amy Diamond's song,whatever it was called,but why everyone seemed to be blaming Paolo for that,I have no idea.Of all the songs to copy,why would he knowingly choose one sung by some kid?I doubt he even knows who she is.And anyway,at least Era Stupendo does something with the melody,it's not a three and a half minute dirge like It Can Only Get Better.And at least the lyrics mean something.OK,maybe I'm biased because I detest Amy Diamond and child stars in general,but still.We have this plagiarism debate every year.It's getting boring now.Anyway,although I'm supporting Iceland now,I'd love it if Paolo won.
Lyrics- "There will be no peace as long as everyone thinks of himself."
Bosnia-Herzegovina: (25/1) I can't wait to see how well this will go down in Belgrade.I heard it properly for the first time at the Scala and was quite mesmerised by the performance.I think that's the right word...I like Laka as well,I loved the interview with esctoday.com from the other week where they asked him if he's a Eurovision fan- "Last year I watched Eurovision on mute with Radiohead playing over the top." We've tried it,it's very entertaining.Try Work Your Magic with Fake Plastic Trees- classic.
Lyrics- "How many days did we spend lying down,eating bananas?"
Bulgaria: (25/1) When she actually starts singing,I quite like this song.I hate the musical bits though.Deep Zone should stick to what they do best- kickarse remixes of Belarussian Eurovision songs.Maybe they'll do one of Hasta La Vista this year...
Lyrics- "When the night falls down I want you,DJ please take me away."
Latvia: (25/1) This year's Vampires Are Alive?I know the whole pirate thing is a bit naff,but the song is insanely catchy and fun,it really should qualify.I like Latvia,they're one country you could never accuse of being predictable- My Star,Questa Notte and now Wolves of the Sea...All completely different styles,but all great songs.
Lyrics- "We're robbing you blind,I hope you don't mind,we're taking it all tonight."
Lyrics- "They try to find the Milky Way,they love to drink it every day." OK...
Iceland (50/1) How is this 50/1? It's without a doubt the best song in the contest,and after seeing Euroband at the Scala,it's quite obvious the performance will be great too.However,as much as I want it to win,I don't think it will.If it doesn't even qualify from the semis though,I will not be happy!
Lyrics- "There's no denying all the heartaches were a blessing in diguise."
Portugal: (50/1) Mmm.It's alright.Nothing too special.Although I like Vania's earrings.
Lyrics- "Black waters,waves of sorrow,they froze the fire in my eyes."
Israel: (40/1) I didn't know this was written by Dana International.That's pretty cool.I don't really know what to think about this one,I like the music,it's quite atmospheric,but I don't like the vocals so much.Can we not just have Teapacks again?
Lyrics- "Come along come along,see the fire in your eyes,then you'll come with me."
Norway (33/1) This has really grown on me,probably again because I've seen Maria perform it live now.Still would have loved to have seen Zuma in Belgrade- Always Always is clearly a better song than Hold On Be Strong.But still,it's nice- a nice sentiment even though the lyrics might be a bit bland and repetitive.I think Maria will qualify.
Lyrics- "There's always someone out there who'll be there for you,there's always someone out there who will care for you."
Switzerland: (33/1) If this doesn't qualify,I'll be very sad.It seems to have lost a bit of popularity over the last few months,but it's still a great song.The whole plagiarism thing pissed me off slightly- yes,it quite clearly uses the same melody as Amy Diamond's song,whatever it was called,but why everyone seemed to be blaming Paolo for that,I have no idea.Of all the songs to copy,why would he knowingly choose one sung by some kid?I doubt he even knows who she is.And anyway,at least Era Stupendo does something with the melody,it's not a three and a half minute dirge like It Can Only Get Better.And at least the lyrics mean something.OK,maybe I'm biased because I detest Amy Diamond and child stars in general,but still.We have this plagiarism debate every year.It's getting boring now.Anyway,although I'm supporting Iceland now,I'd love it if Paolo won.
Lyrics- "There will be no peace as long as everyone thinks of himself."
Bosnia-Herzegovina: (25/1) I can't wait to see how well this will go down in Belgrade.I heard it properly for the first time at the Scala and was quite mesmerised by the performance.I think that's the right word...I like Laka as well,I loved the interview with esctoday.com from the other week where they asked him if he's a Eurovision fan- "Last year I watched Eurovision on mute with Radiohead playing over the top." We've tried it,it's very entertaining.Try Work Your Magic with Fake Plastic Trees- classic.
Lyrics- "How many days did we spend lying down,eating bananas?"
Bulgaria: (25/1) When she actually starts singing,I quite like this song.I hate the musical bits though.Deep Zone should stick to what they do best- kickarse remixes of Belarussian Eurovision songs.Maybe they'll do one of Hasta La Vista this year...
Lyrics- "When the night falls down I want you,DJ please take me away."
Latvia: (25/1) This year's Vampires Are Alive?I know the whole pirate thing is a bit naff,but the song is insanely catchy and fun,it really should qualify.I like Latvia,they're one country you could never accuse of being predictable- My Star,Questa Notte and now Wolves of the Sea...All completely different styles,but all great songs.
Lyrics- "We're robbing you blind,I hope you don't mind,we're taking it all tonight."
I had the glory,I had your devotion and I felt loved
Just a quick diversion from all the Eurovision talk to mention one of the most amazing bits of music I've heard for ages.None of the youtube videos will let me embed it,but you can see it here Apparantly Monica Naranjo is really popular in Spain (shows how much I know about Spanish music...),and this song,Europa,has been number 1 over there for quite a while.It's a pretty bizarre song really,fusing some rather unlikely styles (you'll see,especially after the first 2 and a half minutes),but it really works.The video is strange but wonderful too,and the lyrics make lots of pictures in your mind...I haven't heard much else of Monica's stuff yet,but I shall definitely be on the lookout for more.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
WYM Eurovision Review Part 2
Belgium: (80/1) My friend James described this song better than I ever could- "It conjures up an image of 3 crazy Belgian spinsters doing jazz hands. Prime spot on eurotrash." I think that's all that needs to be said really.
Lyrics- "O julissi na jalini,o julissi na jalini." Whatever.
Poland: (80/1) Quite a fabulous video,but like most Polish music,I just can't get into it.
Lyrics-"I'll let my heart show the way,oceans and mountains between us."
Albania (66/1) Yawn.There are good ballads and there are your typical boring ballads.I think this comes into the latter category unfortunately.It was the first ESC song of this year that I heard.I'm so glad they got better afterwards.
Lyrics- "The coldness of your voice fell on my heart,covering the last shelter of love."
Andorra: (66/1) One of my favourites,it's exactly what you want in a Eurovision song I think.It's happy (unlike a lot of this year's songs I think),catchy,and just the right amount of cheesy.It reminds me of Seventh Wonder,another song that I loved.I hope Gisela qualifies,it'd be a shame if she didn't,but then again there are crazy results from the semis every year (Anžej...)
Lyrics- "A simple song can bring back the past to remind me,now you're gone and all the good times behind me"
Finland: (66/1) I'm trying to think when Finland sent a song to Eurovision that I actually enjoyed...Nope,I don't think they ever have.Although Jari Sillanpää was quite amusing...Anyway,I don't really have anything to say about this song.Other than I don't get why this is tipped to do better than Ruslan? Madness.
Lyrics- "The world is cold,although there's maybe a place for warmth as well."
Georgia: (66/1)The words to Peace Will Come were written by Karen Kavaleryan,who also wrote Work Your Magic.Top bloke then.Although this is a pretty boring song all round.Nice sentiment I guess,but not really for me.Shame,seeing as Sopho was so good last year.
Lyrics- "Sometimes words kill faster than bullets do,but the face of war is never true." Yep,true I suppose,but still,is it really Eurovision material?
Germany: (66/1) Was it No Angels who did a cover of You Can't Hurry Love back in about 2003?I really liked that.Anyway,I can't really say the same for this one though,it's alright,but not exactly memorable.
Lyrics-"Best time of my life,now it's washed away.Still the stars,they know how to spell your name." God,this year's songs are all so happy aren't they?
Malta: (66/1) I like this one a lot more since we saw Morena at the Scala.I think she'll do well,she'll definitely qualify...Also,top marks for sense of style,I loved her outfit at the Scala :)
Lyrics- "The hunt it still on here in Gorky Park.I'm in the danger zone,everywhere is pitch dark."
UK: (66/1) One of the best songs we've sent in years I think.Definitely the best one from the National Final (even though admittedly I did only see about 30 seconds of all of the others).Oh,and far better than Scooch as well :)
Lyrics- "Even if all words lost their meaning,you would understand I love you." Ooh,a happy song...
Azerbaijan: (50/1) Another debuting country (is debuting a word?).It's like a hybrid of Vampires Are Alive and Mr Nobody.I'm not quite sure if that's a good thing or not yet.Still,it's not what I expected from the Azeris.Thought it'd be a big ethnic ballad,so I was pleasantly surprised.
Lyrics- "You can feel me in your mind with every breath you take"
Denmark: (50/1) Mmm.I'm completely indifferent to this one.I definitely don't like it,but then I don't hate it either.Would rather it didn't qualify seeing as there's quite a few others I like in the second semi.But then I suppose I wouldn't be too bothered if it did.There,isn't that the most inconclusive review of a song you've ever read?Anyway,Denmark would have to do quite a lot to create an entry more fabulous than DQ's.
Lyrics- "If your life is a sad song,maybe you should try and celebrate it." Yeah,great advice Simon.
Lyrics- "O julissi na jalini,o julissi na jalini." Whatever.
Poland: (80/1) Quite a fabulous video,but like most Polish music,I just can't get into it.
Lyrics-"I'll let my heart show the way,oceans and mountains between us."
Albania (66/1) Yawn.There are good ballads and there are your typical boring ballads.I think this comes into the latter category unfortunately.It was the first ESC song of this year that I heard.I'm so glad they got better afterwards.
Lyrics- "The coldness of your voice fell on my heart,covering the last shelter of love."
Andorra: (66/1) One of my favourites,it's exactly what you want in a Eurovision song I think.It's happy (unlike a lot of this year's songs I think),catchy,and just the right amount of cheesy.It reminds me of Seventh Wonder,another song that I loved.I hope Gisela qualifies,it'd be a shame if she didn't,but then again there are crazy results from the semis every year (Anžej...)
Lyrics- "A simple song can bring back the past to remind me,now you're gone and all the good times behind me"
Finland: (66/1) I'm trying to think when Finland sent a song to Eurovision that I actually enjoyed...Nope,I don't think they ever have.Although Jari Sillanpää was quite amusing...Anyway,I don't really have anything to say about this song.Other than I don't get why this is tipped to do better than Ruslan? Madness.
Lyrics- "The world is cold,although there's maybe a place for warmth as well."
Georgia: (66/1)The words to Peace Will Come were written by Karen Kavaleryan,who also wrote Work Your Magic.Top bloke then.Although this is a pretty boring song all round.Nice sentiment I guess,but not really for me.Shame,seeing as Sopho was so good last year.
Lyrics- "Sometimes words kill faster than bullets do,but the face of war is never true." Yep,true I suppose,but still,is it really Eurovision material?
Germany: (66/1) Was it No Angels who did a cover of You Can't Hurry Love back in about 2003?I really liked that.Anyway,I can't really say the same for this one though,it's alright,but not exactly memorable.
Lyrics-"Best time of my life,now it's washed away.Still the stars,they know how to spell your name." God,this year's songs are all so happy aren't they?
Malta: (66/1) I like this one a lot more since we saw Morena at the Scala.I think she'll do well,she'll definitely qualify...Also,top marks for sense of style,I loved her outfit at the Scala :)
Lyrics- "The hunt it still on here in Gorky Park.I'm in the danger zone,everywhere is pitch dark."
UK: (66/1) One of the best songs we've sent in years I think.Definitely the best one from the National Final (even though admittedly I did only see about 30 seconds of all of the others).Oh,and far better than Scooch as well :)
Lyrics- "Even if all words lost their meaning,you would understand I love you." Ooh,a happy song...
Azerbaijan: (50/1) Another debuting country (is debuting a word?).It's like a hybrid of Vampires Are Alive and Mr Nobody.I'm not quite sure if that's a good thing or not yet.Still,it's not what I expected from the Azeris.Thought it'd be a big ethnic ballad,so I was pleasantly surprised.
Lyrics- "You can feel me in your mind with every breath you take"
Denmark: (50/1) Mmm.I'm completely indifferent to this one.I definitely don't like it,but then I don't hate it either.Would rather it didn't qualify seeing as there's quite a few others I like in the second semi.But then I suppose I wouldn't be too bothered if it did.There,isn't that the most inconclusive review of a song you've ever read?Anyway,Denmark would have to do quite a lot to create an entry more fabulous than DQ's.
Lyrics- "If your life is a sad song,maybe you should try and celebrate it." Yeah,great advice Simon.
WYM Eurovision Review Part 1
When I woke up this morning,I realised that Eurovision is in fact next weekend.That's madness,it's come round so quickly.Like Europe Crazy,I can't say I've been too excited about it this year,although going to the party at the Scala did help (and switched my allegiance too...)Anyway,seeing as other bloggers have started giving their opinions on this year's songs,I thought it was time I did too.I'm doing it in reverse order of the William Hill's favourites to win the whole competition,even though I'm pretty skeptical about some of the odds they've given.
Cyprus: (150/1) Bland.I can see why they've given this a 150/1 chance of winning.In fact,it's so boring I cant't even be bothered to discuss it further.
Lyrics- "Bam and I found my way into your dreams, and I saw you coming coz I'm a goddess." :/
Moldova: (150/1) There's worse songs in the competition.There's better songs too.And what's with the woman blowing bubbles?Will she be there next week?
Lyrics- "All I need is to find a place to live in your heart.That's what I want" Yuck
Netherlands: (150/1) I like this one.But I think I'd like it more if it was representing somewhere else.I don't like it when countries think they have to use someone else's style of music to try and be successful.I know I said yesterday that good,typically Dutch music is hard to come by,but it does exist.Edsilia's song last year was great as well,she didn't feel the need to go all ethnic-y and give us something that we hear every year from the likes of Greece,Cyprus and Turkey.But anyway,it is a good song,it'll probably qualify.
Lyrics- "Your heart belongs to me,but I've got to set it free,coz we were never meant to be"
San Marino: (150/1) I've only listened to Complice twice,and I must say,I liked it more the second time,but I doubt it will really do much in Belgrade.It's completely un-Eurovision,it's not the most exciting song in the world,and the lyrics are depressing.I appreciate it will never qualify from the semis,but still,there's something about it I like.Maybe it's because it's in Italian,maybe it's because it's San Marino's first time in the contest that I feel I should like it...I don't know.
Lyrics- "Feeling you as a part of me is like having an angel sustain my every uncertain step." Poetic...
Czech Republic
: (125/1) I'm listening to it properly for the first time now,and I actually think it's pretty good.Awful lyrics,but since when has that stopped anything winning at Eurovision?Anyway,it's infinitely better than last year's Czech offering.
Lyrics- "I'm the one who shakes your clouds away whenever rainy days make you insane"
FYR Macedonia: (125/1)Typical Balkan pop.It's alright,but I doubt it'll qualify.Especially seeing as it's in the second semi along with the best songs of the contest.Extra points for the rather attractive guy in the Måns-in-the-Cara-Mia-video outfit though.
Lyrics- "Who needs a smile when my tears are so full of love inside?" Whaaaat?
Lithuania: (125/1) Oh please,is this for real or what?He does have a good voice though...
Lyrics- "Moon,I follow you in darkness,it seems we're nomads in the night." Right...
Montenegro: (125/1) This sounds like it comes from a time before I was even born,but I quite like it for some reason.I like the video too,unashamed showing-off of Montenegro.And rightly so,the Balkan region is gorgeous.I feel all nostalgic now and want to go back there...Anyway,I hope he qualifies.
Lyrics-"Sorrow is writing songs for me while tears are falling.My pillow smells like you and you're long,long gone." Aww :( That's more like it! Although I thought this was a happy song...
Belarus: (100/1)Ruslan,lovely Ruslan...how could they put you at 100/1 to win?Of course,I was one of those who was extremely annoyed that they completely changed what was already a great song (actually I didn't even want him to win the national final),but seeing him do it live the other week made me realise that it's for the best.It stands out more now than it would have done if they'd have stuck with the original discoesque version,it's more modern and funky.I do agree that it's wrong to change a song so drastically from what was originally voted the winner in the national final,but then again,it'll only be a really small percentage of Eurovision viewers who saw the original anyway.I hope these odds are completely wrong,there are far worse songs in the competition than Hasta La Vista,some of them amongst the actual favourites as well.
Lyrics- "I begged you to look in my loving eyes,but you were as cold as Arctic ice."
Croatia: (100/1) I love Schlagerprick's description of the song "Croatia have plumped for an old man mumbling Rowley Birkin Q.C. stylée".I really like it actually,very typically Balkan song with some interesting modern elements thrown in...Then again I always like Croatia's entries.Not that they ever do very well.I don't see this one changing the trend either unfortunately.
Lyrics- "Every dream is agleamed by the cold sun and the memories are almost all extinguished."
Estonia: (100/1) Oh Estonia,sort it out.How can you follow such great entries as Runaway and Eighties Coming Back with the likes of this?
Lyrics- "Potatoes,beans,onions,lobster.That's enough." Seriously...
Hungary: (100/1) Nice enough song actually,I'm pleasantly surprised.
Lyrics- "Send him to me,I don't care for how long,but it is so good waiting for him."
Cyprus: (150/1) Bland.I can see why they've given this a 150/1 chance of winning.In fact,it's so boring I cant't even be bothered to discuss it further.
Lyrics- "Bam and I found my way into your dreams, and I saw you coming coz I'm a goddess." :/
Moldova: (150/1) There's worse songs in the competition.There's better songs too.And what's with the woman blowing bubbles?Will she be there next week?
Lyrics- "All I need is to find a place to live in your heart.That's what I want" Yuck
Netherlands: (150/1) I like this one.But I think I'd like it more if it was representing somewhere else.I don't like it when countries think they have to use someone else's style of music to try and be successful.I know I said yesterday that good,typically Dutch music is hard to come by,but it does exist.Edsilia's song last year was great as well,she didn't feel the need to go all ethnic-y and give us something that we hear every year from the likes of Greece,Cyprus and Turkey.But anyway,it is a good song,it'll probably qualify.
Lyrics- "Your heart belongs to me,but I've got to set it free,coz we were never meant to be"
San Marino: (150/1) I've only listened to Complice twice,and I must say,I liked it more the second time,but I doubt it will really do much in Belgrade.It's completely un-Eurovision,it's not the most exciting song in the world,and the lyrics are depressing.I appreciate it will never qualify from the semis,but still,there's something about it I like.Maybe it's because it's in Italian,maybe it's because it's San Marino's first time in the contest that I feel I should like it...I don't know.
Lyrics- "Feeling you as a part of me is like having an angel sustain my every uncertain step." Poetic...
Czech Republic
: (125/1) I'm listening to it properly for the first time now,and I actually think it's pretty good.Awful lyrics,but since when has that stopped anything winning at Eurovision?Anyway,it's infinitely better than last year's Czech offering.
Lyrics- "I'm the one who shakes your clouds away whenever rainy days make you insane"
FYR Macedonia: (125/1)Typical Balkan pop.It's alright,but I doubt it'll qualify.Especially seeing as it's in the second semi along with the best songs of the contest.Extra points for the rather attractive guy in the Måns-in-the-Cara-Mia-video outfit though.
Lyrics- "Who needs a smile when my tears are so full of love inside?" Whaaaat?
Lithuania: (125/1) Oh please,is this for real or what?He does have a good voice though...
Lyrics- "Moon,I follow you in darkness,it seems we're nomads in the night." Right...
Montenegro: (125/1) This sounds like it comes from a time before I was even born,but I quite like it for some reason.I like the video too,unashamed showing-off of Montenegro.And rightly so,the Balkan region is gorgeous.I feel all nostalgic now and want to go back there...Anyway,I hope he qualifies.
Lyrics-"Sorrow is writing songs for me while tears are falling.My pillow smells like you and you're long,long gone." Aww :( That's more like it! Although I thought this was a happy song...
Belarus: (100/1)Ruslan,lovely Ruslan...how could they put you at 100/1 to win?Of course,I was one of those who was extremely annoyed that they completely changed what was already a great song (actually I didn't even want him to win the national final),but seeing him do it live the other week made me realise that it's for the best.It stands out more now than it would have done if they'd have stuck with the original discoesque version,it's more modern and funky.I do agree that it's wrong to change a song so drastically from what was originally voted the winner in the national final,but then again,it'll only be a really small percentage of Eurovision viewers who saw the original anyway.I hope these odds are completely wrong,there are far worse songs in the competition than Hasta La Vista,some of them amongst the actual favourites as well.
Lyrics- "I begged you to look in my loving eyes,but you were as cold as Arctic ice."
Croatia: (100/1) I love Schlagerprick's description of the song "Croatia have plumped for an old man mumbling Rowley Birkin Q.C. stylée".I really like it actually,very typically Balkan song with some interesting modern elements thrown in...Then again I always like Croatia's entries.Not that they ever do very well.I don't see this one changing the trend either unfortunately.
Lyrics- "Every dream is agleamed by the cold sun and the memories are almost all extinguished."
Estonia: (100/1) Oh Estonia,sort it out.How can you follow such great entries as Runaway and Eighties Coming Back with the likes of this?
Lyrics- "Potatoes,beans,onions,lobster.That's enough." Seriously...
Hungary: (100/1) Nice enough song actually,I'm pleasantly surprised.
Lyrics- "Send him to me,I don't care for how long,but it is so good waiting for him."
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Don't turn your back on us,I'll never let you down
So I've finally got round to listening to all the Maltese National Final songs that I downloaded about 2 weeks ago.Of course I can see why Morena's going to Belgrade,and I'm sure she'll do really well,but this song Give Me a Chance by Eleanor Cassar is just fabulous.It's very 90s American ballad sounding I think,and Eleanor has a voice to match.It's a shame Eurovision is so much about mad performances all trying to outdo eachother these days,this song just shows you don't need champion ice skaters/violinists or hyperactive backing dancers on stage with you- your voice should be enough.
Happy Europe Day Part 2
Hungary: I admit,I thought the Hungarian pop scene was probably full of people like Magdi Rúzsa,so I never really bothered exploring.However,Crystal are a really good group.I've liked everything of theirs that I've heard so far so I wasn't really sure which one of their videos to post,but I think I'll go for Repülj Tovább.
Ireland: Going to have to be a bit old-school here and go for The Corrs.Don't Say You Love Me is my favourite song of theirs,although I don't think they ever released it,so you might not know it.It's a great song,melancholy but wonderful.
Italia: It seems Perdono was huge all over Europe back in 2001.And rightly so,it's super.If Paolo does well at Eurovision this year,do you think the Swiss will go all Italian next year as well and send Tiziano?That'd be good.Anyway,he reminds me (a little bit) of Dennis Petrov in this video.Maybe it's the outfit.
Latvia: It wasn't too long ago that I was madly in love with Renārs Kaupers,but shamefully I haven't been keeping very up to date with Prāta Vētra business lately.I didn't even realise they'd done anything since Thunder Without Rain :/ Anyway,Colder is one of my favourite songs of theirs,it's very atmospheric I think.
Lithuania: Welcome by Inculto is by far the the best Lithuanian Eurovision-related song ever.Why they sent LT United to Athens,I have no idea.It's such a funny song and the video's great too.
Luxembourg: I own one Luxembourgish song,which I've heard is a cover of an Australian guy's song from 1984.It's called Love Somebody,and if you love cheesy 80s guitar pop,you should probably listen to it.
Malta: Learning Maltese in on my to-do list,I think it's a fascinating language.This is the only song in Maltese I've ever heard- it's an awful quality video,but it's Claudia Faniello singing Bajja tad-Deheb
Netherlands: Good Dutch music seems very hard to come by,I can definitely see why my Dutch cousin never listens to any.However,Wild by Monique Smit is a super pop song.She's far better than her brother :)
Poland: *Sigh*.I've really tried to like Polish music,but it's really difficult.So here's the one song I've heard that I can listen to and enjoy.Let's face it,Piasek's 2Long is the best Polish ESC song...ever,really.
Portugal: Sticking with the Eurovision theme, I loved Deixa-Me Sonhar back in 2003.Also,I didn't know until about 5 minutes ago that Rita did a duet with Ronan Keating.That's an odd couple if ever I've seen one.
Romania: I have soooo much Romanian music thanks to my lovely friend Ioana,most of it being dance music or the cheesiest pop you've ever heard.However,Mihai still does it for me.Cât de frumoasă eşti (You're so beautiful) is such a nice song,with what must be one of the longest notes in a pop song ever,(beaten only by Mihai himself in the song Why).
Slovakia: I love a good Pop Idol winner as you might have noticed.Peter Cmorik won Slovakian Idol in 2006,with a huge 84% of the vote apparantly.Čo to znamená (What does it mean?,that is the actual translation,not a request) is quite a good song,about people not having time for eachother.
Slovenia: Had to be this one really,the one and only Anžej Dežan and the theme tune for Sounds of Europe- Vroče!It's still by far the most played song on my iTunes (Cara Mia is a whole 50-something plays behind) and it still makes me happy every time I hear it.
Spain: Going to have to cheat here and post another Jonatan video.Well he is Spanish really...
Sweden: So many good Swedish songs to choose from,but I think I'll go for Måns's annoyingly gorgeous girlfriend,seeing as she has produced my favourite album in the world ever.This is Calling All Detectives,one of the slower ones from Enjoy the Ride,but a fabulous one all the same.
UK: I literally have 21 British songs on my iTunes (out of 1629),most of those being Leona Lewis's album.I just can't stand British music anymore,it's gone so far downhill since the early 2000s.So it's back to then we go,with the amazing a1 and Caught in the Middle.Never mind Take That and Boyzone,it should be these guys making a comeback!
Ireland: Going to have to be a bit old-school here and go for The Corrs.Don't Say You Love Me is my favourite song of theirs,although I don't think they ever released it,so you might not know it.It's a great song,melancholy but wonderful.
Italia: It seems Perdono was huge all over Europe back in 2001.And rightly so,it's super.If Paolo does well at Eurovision this year,do you think the Swiss will go all Italian next year as well and send Tiziano?That'd be good.Anyway,he reminds me (a little bit) of Dennis Petrov in this video.Maybe it's the outfit.
Latvia: It wasn't too long ago that I was madly in love with Renārs Kaupers,but shamefully I haven't been keeping very up to date with Prāta Vētra business lately.I didn't even realise they'd done anything since Thunder Without Rain :/ Anyway,Colder is one of my favourite songs of theirs,it's very atmospheric I think.
Lithuania: Welcome by Inculto is by far the the best Lithuanian Eurovision-related song ever.Why they sent LT United to Athens,I have no idea.It's such a funny song and the video's great too.
Luxembourg: I own one Luxembourgish song,which I've heard is a cover of an Australian guy's song from 1984.It's called Love Somebody,and if you love cheesy 80s guitar pop,you should probably listen to it.
Malta: Learning Maltese in on my to-do list,I think it's a fascinating language.This is the only song in Maltese I've ever heard- it's an awful quality video,but it's Claudia Faniello singing Bajja tad-Deheb
Netherlands: Good Dutch music seems very hard to come by,I can definitely see why my Dutch cousin never listens to any.However,Wild by Monique Smit is a super pop song.She's far better than her brother :)
Poland: *Sigh*.I've really tried to like Polish music,but it's really difficult.So here's the one song I've heard that I can listen to and enjoy.Let's face it,Piasek's 2Long is the best Polish ESC song...ever,really.
Portugal: Sticking with the Eurovision theme, I loved Deixa-Me Sonhar back in 2003.Also,I didn't know until about 5 minutes ago that Rita did a duet with Ronan Keating.That's an odd couple if ever I've seen one.
Romania: I have soooo much Romanian music thanks to my lovely friend Ioana,most of it being dance music or the cheesiest pop you've ever heard.However,Mihai still does it for me.Cât de frumoasă eşti (You're so beautiful) is such a nice song,with what must be one of the longest notes in a pop song ever,(beaten only by Mihai himself in the song Why).
Slovakia: I love a good Pop Idol winner as you might have noticed.Peter Cmorik won Slovakian Idol in 2006,with a huge 84% of the vote apparantly.Čo to znamená (What does it mean?,that is the actual translation,not a request) is quite a good song,about people not having time for eachother.
Slovenia: Had to be this one really,the one and only Anžej Dežan and the theme tune for Sounds of Europe- Vroče!It's still by far the most played song on my iTunes (Cara Mia is a whole 50-something plays behind) and it still makes me happy every time I hear it.
Spain: Going to have to cheat here and post another Jonatan video.Well he is Spanish really...
Sweden: So many good Swedish songs to choose from,but I think I'll go for Måns's annoyingly gorgeous girlfriend,seeing as she has produced my favourite album in the world ever.This is Calling All Detectives,one of the slower ones from Enjoy the Ride,but a fabulous one all the same.
UK: I literally have 21 British songs on my iTunes (out of 1629),most of those being Leona Lewis's album.I just can't stand British music anymore,it's gone so far downhill since the early 2000s.So it's back to then we go,with the amazing a1 and Caught in the Middle.Never mind Take That and Boyzone,it should be these guys making a comeback!
Friday, 9 May 2008
Happy Europe Day!
You might not have known (I didn't until about a week ago) that May 9th is Europe Day,a day of celebrating European unity which was meant to be a public holiday across the member states of the EU,although I doubt we'd ever have had it here.However,it was -for various reasons- removed from the Lisbon Treaty.Anyway,I'm still celebrating it,by writing about really good songs from each of the member states :)
Austria: As tempting as it is to go for the wonderfully cheesy Du Bist by Tie Break,it's going to have to be a Jetzt Anders song.I know it's a cover,but I love Ein Neues Leben.I really like the lyrics and the summery,happy feeling I get when I listen to it :)
Belgium: I must choose 2 Belgian songs here- Mad About You by Hooverphonic was one of my favourite songs that I discovered last year.However,when you're talking Belgian,you can't beat a bit of Jonatan.
Bulgaria: Just because I know no other Bulgarian music (although Deep Zone are Bulgarian and they're responsible for the masterpiece that is the Work Your Magic remix...),I'll have to go for a Kirkorov song :/ Again,it's a cover (of Antique's Die For You in fact),but it's a pretty good one actually.Shield your eyes if you watch the video,Filip's wearing red shiny trousers.
Cyprus: I've just discovered Marianta Pieridi and I think she's pretty cool,even if her songs are a bit hit and miss.I love this one though,it's called Meine Dipla Mou (no idea what that means :/)
Czech Republic: Again, I don't know much about Czech music,but Lucie Vondráčková is the niece of another famous Czech singer,and this song - Strach- is her most famous one.
Denmark: Sometimes on Sounds of Europe I like to bang on about how great Mew are.The Zookeeper's Boy may or may not be their best song,but it's lovely all the same.I love Jonas's cryptic lyrics.
Estonia: We were listening to Tanel's Everybody last night.I can't believe that was the song that relaunched my obsession with European music!Anyway,I might have been one of the only people in Europe who liked Eighties Coming Back by Ruffus/Claire's Birthday,but I still think it's great 5 years later.Again,not necessarily their best song,but I love Vaiko Eplik's voice,and they definitely deserved more than the 14 points they got at Eurovision.
(P.S,I think there might be a good few more posts about Estonian music coming up soon)
Finland: Oh how I loved The Rasmus...I particularly loved this song Falling,from the fourth (and by far the best) album Into.It was the first song of theirs I ever heard,on a wonderful Estonian website which sadly no more exists :(
France: We heard Il Avait Les Mots by Sheryfa Luna in Paris last month and thought it was fabulous.
Germany: I'm not the biggest fan of German music really,it's too rocky for me.But I don't mind a bit of Sportfreunde Stiller sometimes.This is a very silly song involving Roque Santa Cruz.It's (predictably) called Ich Roque.
Greece: Has to be Everything by Anna Vissi.What a ballad!
More later I think...
Austria: As tempting as it is to go for the wonderfully cheesy Du Bist by Tie Break,it's going to have to be a Jetzt Anders song.I know it's a cover,but I love Ein Neues Leben.I really like the lyrics and the summery,happy feeling I get when I listen to it :)
Belgium: I must choose 2 Belgian songs here- Mad About You by Hooverphonic was one of my favourite songs that I discovered last year.However,when you're talking Belgian,you can't beat a bit of Jonatan.
Bulgaria: Just because I know no other Bulgarian music (although Deep Zone are Bulgarian and they're responsible for the masterpiece that is the Work Your Magic remix...),I'll have to go for a Kirkorov song :/ Again,it's a cover (of Antique's Die For You in fact),but it's a pretty good one actually.Shield your eyes if you watch the video,Filip's wearing red shiny trousers.
Cyprus: I've just discovered Marianta Pieridi and I think she's pretty cool,even if her songs are a bit hit and miss.I love this one though,it's called Meine Dipla Mou (no idea what that means :/)
Czech Republic: Again, I don't know much about Czech music,but Lucie Vondráčková is the niece of another famous Czech singer,and this song - Strach- is her most famous one.
Denmark: Sometimes on Sounds of Europe I like to bang on about how great Mew are.The Zookeeper's Boy may or may not be their best song,but it's lovely all the same.I love Jonas's cryptic lyrics.
Estonia: We were listening to Tanel's Everybody last night.I can't believe that was the song that relaunched my obsession with European music!Anyway,I might have been one of the only people in Europe who liked Eighties Coming Back by Ruffus/Claire's Birthday,but I still think it's great 5 years later.Again,not necessarily their best song,but I love Vaiko Eplik's voice,and they definitely deserved more than the 14 points they got at Eurovision.
(P.S,I think there might be a good few more posts about Estonian music coming up soon)
Finland: Oh how I loved The Rasmus...I particularly loved this song Falling,from the fourth (and by far the best) album Into.It was the first song of theirs I ever heard,on a wonderful Estonian website which sadly no more exists :(
France: We heard Il Avait Les Mots by Sheryfa Luna in Paris last month and thought it was fabulous.
Germany: I'm not the biggest fan of German music really,it's too rocky for me.But I don't mind a bit of Sportfreunde Stiller sometimes.This is a very silly song involving Roque Santa Cruz.It's (predictably) called Ich Roque.
Greece: Has to be Everything by Anna Vissi.What a ballad!
More later I think...
Thursday, 8 May 2008
The news we've been waiting for for ages

By 'we',I of course mean me and Keira,although I'm sure there are some other people who will be quite excited about the fact that Dima K is finally releasing an album.June 11th apparantly (isn't that his birthday?).Shame we'll have to wait 6 years before it appears second hand on Amazon though...Oh,and some other exciting news too,Dima has also said that he wouldn't mind doing Eurovision again.Yes!Come back and sing for the UK with me and Keira,it'd be amazing...Anyway,here he is singing Nikagda at the final of Miss Belarus,complete with some very annoying echoey sound effects.
Viva España...
What is it with Dima and Spain these days?First there was the whole Porque Aun Te Amo Eurovision thing,then he says he's releasing a Spanish album sometime soon,and now he's done Believe in Spanish too (is there even a Russian version?).Anyway,it's called Creer,and it's alright.But I think the English one is probably better.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Scary Chelsi...
Chelsi used to look so lovely...

This video of their latest performance of the new song Ne Hvataet Eyo Glaz (not Kak Zhe Adinoka as I said the other day) tells a different story.
Roman's hand has turned metallic...

Arseniy's hair will get its own postcode if it gets any bigger...

And Dennis has gone for a bit of a Llewellyn-Bowen look...

Oh dear.Still,fabulous song though :)

This video of their latest performance of the new song Ne Hvataet Eyo Glaz (not Kak Zhe Adinoka as I said the other day) tells a different story.
Roman's hand has turned metallic...
Arseniy's hair will get its own postcode if it gets any bigger...
And Dennis has gone for a bit of a Llewellyn-Bowen look...
Oh dear.Still,fabulous song though :)
Monday, 5 May 2008
Schaust du mir in mein Gesicht und sagt "ich hoffe ich verletzt dich nicht"
I'm in a very bad mood.There's no better antidote than watching fit Germans cut things up with chainsaws :)
Thursday, 1 May 2008
I blame myself for it all
Just a quick post to say I'm madly in love with this song,since finding it this afternoon.It's been a long time since anything exciting and Chelsi-related has happened,but now they've put their new song Kak Zhe Adinoka up on the website,I'm very happy.It's a big ballad,and not a typical Russian sounding one either.It reminds me a bit of Måns's My Mistake in places,but that might just be me.Anyway,listen to it here
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