Tuesday, 12 February 2008


So there's 2 and a half hours til my next radio show (which you can listen to here),and as we've been planning it all week,there's not really anything left to do this evening.
2 bits of Dima Bilan related 'news' though,both of which I'm quite excited about.The first being that I found his version of Ave Maria the other night.Seems like a very strange song for a Russian to cover,or for any pop artist to cover for that matter,I don't know how that came about,but it's really lovely.No video or anything though,and I can't quite remember where I found it now,so that was a pointless bit of news really.Secondly though- it's been confirmed that Mr B's going to be attempting Eurovision again this year!That's very exciting indeed.According to the many websites I've read it on,the song will be in Spanish (Spanish?!) and was written by someone who's worked with Christina Aguilera.Ooh...That's it,Russian National Final Day (March 9th) will officially be a holiday at Europop Mansions Surrey Branch,complete with lots of raucous singing of Dima songs and lots of vodka too!Probably.


no name said...

hope the show went well for you both!
don't forget to play phil collins! (yeah, i am joking before you kill me hehe)

Laura (EuropeCrazy) said...

Great show last night! Thanks for the mention too - fame at last!! Loved the Paolo track, the Russian stuff, the Basshunter parody and The Ark. Can't wait for the next one. :)))

Poster Girl said...

Argh, for the second time I was out and missed this--I'll catch it next week, really!

Anonymous said...

You can go to the website and listen back for up to one week. www.gu2.co.uk and click 'on air' the scroll down to 'listen back' Means you can listen at a more sociable hour. :) Thanks for the support! (sound like a rubbish PR person I know, but oh well)