Friday, 31 October 2008

Do you ever think of me and how we used to be?

Ah the good old days of living in an overpriced box in Guildford in 06/07,drinking cheap vodka (damn One Stop not selling Russkiy Standard) and singing along to delights like this...

If only there'd have been room to do the dance too...

Anyway,I'm posting this as a warning,I mean intro to something that will be happening on here quite soon.Not this weekend though,as I'm going back to the UK tomorrow- yep,Stansted,1.30,red carpet please :) I'm only back for 4 days,and while the thought of going back to the Inselaffen (yes,apparantly some Germans call us Island Monkeys) never really excites me,it will be bloody nice to have some proper food and entertainment after the crappy week I've had.Now normally I write about these things over on PVE,but hardly anyone reads PVE,so I'm writing it here hoping I'll get some sympathy :) I've been in bed practically for a week now (after 2 failed attempts at going to work on Monday and yesterday).I don't know what's wrong with me,I can't eat (although did manage a milkshake and chicken wrap yesterday- woohoo),I was dizzy for about 3 days,had a stupidly high temperature,headaches,muscle pain,sore throat,extreme tiredness,was going all shaky and cold at random intervals and a few other unsavoury things too.Today,I have a white tongue.What the f**k does it all mean?! I actually feel pretty good (well,alright) today,but it's put me completely behind for tomorrow.I have no clothes to take with me,because I haven't done any washing for ages,have no train ticket to Lübeck and my room here is an absolute tip,which must be sorted before tomorrow.Aagh.

1 comment:

Myfizzypop said...

enjoy being back among the island monkeys :P And yay for steps. they are classic now, no?! I really think Same Difference are the new steps. their debut single is glorious :P