Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Momentous Day!

OK so I'm a few minutes late now,the momentous day was yesterday.Not only did I do my last ever exam (a French speaking exam supposed to be about French energy policy but for some reason that I'm grateful for,my teacher brought up Eurovision),not only did I present the last Sounds of Europe for the foreseeable future,but...it's Work Your Magic's 3rd birthday!

I know I hardly post on here anymore,but I hope that will change now I've got literally nothing to do for...well,the rest of my life as yet.Somehow nearly 10,000 people came and had a look at this blog in the past 12 months despite not much going on,and it's still linked to on esctoday.com which is a great honour and means a lot to me.Thanks to all you 10,000(ish) people,and thanks to everyone who listened to Sounds of Europe too.We had a lot of fun doing it,and actually we're entering ourselves for the Student Radio Awards on the advice of people both at our station and a certain Kevin Hughes,Capital FM's showbiz reporter.To win an award,or even just be shortlisted,would be brilliant,and a great way to end what's been a fab 2 years.

Me and Keira are quite naturally feeling a little bit sad about the end of our show,but we've bought teacakes to cheer us up,and we're watching the videos of the lovely Harel Skaat,which are the perfect Europop pick-me-up.If Harel's beautiful eyes and smile fail to make you smile a little bit,then you probably have a heart of stone.Or you just don't like Harel Skaat...


kevin (ru) said...

Breaking news, Rachel! BIS are no more a duo. Dima is back to theater, Vlad is going solo.

Raquelita said...

:( That's all I can say really.What prompted that decision? I thought they were one of the best things to happen in Russian pop in the last few years.

kevin (ru) said...

As Vlad said to the papers, they don't work together for a while, so the band has came to the dead end.

It's really a pity because they were brilliant. Hope Vlad will be more succesful than Nikita Malinin as a solo artist, as he is truly talented and young performer.

Poster Girl said...

CONGRATULATIONS! For everything.

Love that Harel song (one of the best on that album). Sadly, much, much more than his Eurovision entry...but that's another talk for another time.

Laura (EuropeCrazy) said...

Belated happy birthday wishes to WYM!! Doesn't time fly when you're having (blogging) fun?

And good luck in those Student Radio Awards too.