Saturday, 29 May 2010

Happy Eurovision Day!

Happy Eurovision Day to all readers of Work Your Magic and Parlez-Vous Europop.Earlier on Twitter,@FannyPeculiar said the night before Eurovision is like Gay Christmas Eve.Although I'm a straight girl,I have to agree.This year is my 18th ESC,that I can remember anyway.I'm sure I watched it before I was 6,I just probably fell asleep halfway through or something.It was my dad who got me interested in the contest,and funnily enough it's now him who falls asleep halfway through.

Silly as it sounds,Eurovision is more of an event to me than Christmas,and probably my birthday too.It's probably quite similar actually,every year you get something you don't particularly want (*cough* Greece *cough*),and it's always a bit sad at the end when you have to wait another whole year for the next one.

I remember having a thing for this song from 1993,and having the chorus in my head for ages afterwards...

I remember going to school the weekend after Secret Garden won with Nocturne in 1995 and excitedly telling my teacher that I was really happy Norway won because that was mine and my dad's favourite.Of course,she didn't care in the slightest.And I remember Tanel winning in 2001 (that night was also the one and only time in my life I've ever been stung by a wasp),and getting a major 14-year-olds crush on him leading to lots of pictures of him on my walls,the recording of Estonia Dreams of Eurovision (I still have the video tape!) and texting an Estonian website to get Unistus as my ringtone.

They might not be your average childhood memories (then again,my first memory of life in general was seeing the Berlin Wall come down on the news...),but Eurovision has been a constant that's always there and has been a part of me for a long time.And long may it continue!


kevin (ru) said...

Great post, Rachel!

Laura (EuropeCrazy) said...

Hear hear!

Eurovision has always been part of my life for as long as I can remember (and that's a long while!) I was brought up in a Eurovision-watching household and even all these years later, the ritual never changes - my mum and I are always glued to the telly for it. (Although every year she says she's going to boycott it next year because of the political voting, when the next contest comes around she's watching it with me).

45 mins to go - have a great night, and I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the show later on. Hope we get a worthy winner, pretty please...????

Raquelita said...

I'm glad other people agree with me! My dad is always 'indifferent' every year,but he does enjoy it really.He even put money on Romania this year.

I think this was the best year since 2003,I liked pretty much every one of the songs,and I hate to say it but I was singing along to Drip Drop at one point :/

I'm still a bit excited at the minute,but will write something more coherent in the morning :)